Check Voter Status Online and Via SMS


Check your polling status (Electoral Roll) online and via SMS. The upcoming 14th Malaysian General Election GE14 2018 (Pilihanraya Umum ke-14 PRU 14) is getting closer. If you are a registered voter, then make a smart move to avoid future complications - check the status of your voter’s registration and your polling location. You can do it right now and it’s very easy.

Checking the Electoral Roll online

The Election Commission of Malaysia - EC (Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya Malaysia -SPR) has provided a website that enables anyone to check the verified Electoral Roll online.

semakan daftar pemilih

Checking the Electoral Roll online

  1. Visit the Malaysian Electoral Roll Checking (Semakan Daftar Pemilih) website at the following address:

  2. Enter the voter’s identity card number into the text field provided.
  3. Enter the captcha, the click “SEMAK” button.

The details provided in the result include the voter’s locality, polling district, parliamentary and state seats, polling center and channel (saluran).


Checking the Electoral Roll via SMS

Follow the steps below to check your voter status using your mobile phone:

  1. Type SPR SEMAK [IC no.]

    Example: SPR SEMAK 821220122222

  2. Send to 15888

When election time comes, be a model citizen -VOTE!

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