How To Apply And Update BR1M 2018


1Malaysia People's Aid a.k.a Pemberian Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M) continues with BR1M 2018. This time around the aid amounts are similar to that of BR1M 2017.

Here is a summary of the eligibility requirements as well as the aid amount of BR1M 1Malaysia People's Aid 2018.

Eligibility requirement

Aid amount

Households with monthly income not exceeding RM3, 000

RM1200 cash

Households with a monthly income of RM3, 000 - RM4, 000

RM900 cash

Singles 21 years old or older earning not more than RM2,000

RM450 cash

BR1M 2018

BR1M Application Or Update

Existing BR1M recipients need not apply as you will be eligible to receive BR1M 2018 automatically. New application or update must be done starting 27 November until 31 December 2017.

Applying and Updating BR1M Online

You can apply or update BR1M by filling an online form by visiting eBR1M Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia (LHDNM) website:

Applying and Updating BR1M Offline

Application and update can also be done manually offline, using the Borang Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M) form which is provided free of charge.

Visit your nearest LHDNM, Pusat Khidmat Hasil LHDNM, Pusat Transformasi Bandar (UTC) LHDNM, pejabat Jabatan Pembangunan Persekutuan (JPP) or district office to fill and submit your BR1M application.

When Will You Receive BR1M Money?

BR1M payment will handed out starting in February 2018. It will be deposited directly to the bank account of the recipient. So make sure you enter your bank account info correctly when filling the application form.

You can ask questions regarding BR1M 2018 by emailing or calling 03-88824565 or 03-88824566.

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